9ja Lyrics and Poetry: November 2011
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Friday, November 11, 2011

Sensory Sensations

Colourful words
paints my ears
each time you whisper my name

Even when apart,
your breath cools my face
each time the wind blows

Your beautiful bright smile
fills me with joy
each time I look at the sky

Your natural body scent - oooh!
tickles my nostrils
every breath I take

Every meal, every drink..,
every treat is a passionate kiss
on your full, succulent lips

Oooh! yeah..,You do tickle my fancy

Oct' 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

When I laid eyes on you

Even as I lay in my bed
In this restless, sleepless slumber
Mind drifting, eyes tightly shut
Still not able to shut-out scenes
From the dark theatre of my past
Murky with shady cast
Yet, clear like it was just yesterday...
Soothing, and calmly unsettling...
Oh, I see it...
I still see it like it is in front of me...

the back of your head,
your nape,
the steep smooth slope of your neck...

Deffwill 11/11